Mobile GPS Printing System

Scanner & Tracker Traceback Solution

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© 2014 ScoringAg, Inc.,  all rights reserved.

Print Durable Labels to Mark Samples

– Print anywhere and anytime!
– No electricity required

Light Weight Mobile Solution

– PDA with GPS and BlueTooth (BT)
      • Special purpose label software
– Mobile Printer with BT
      • Direct Communication with PD
– Print bar coded labels or tags with
      • Date and Time
     • GPS Coordinates (10 ft accuracy)
     • User id via AUTHENTICATED login

– Preloaded w common label sizes/formats
     • Custom label formatting available

Labels or Tags

– Many sizes and colors available
– Paper or durable poly

Scan Labels or Tags to Input to Traceback Database

Cordless Scanner

– Reads 2D bar code to input to
– Bar code is aggregation of ALL label information Database

- ScoringAg's recordkeeping and traceback database produces a free unique traceback code to find a product in the supply chain or the consumer’s refrigerator in seconds. ScoringAg can do value added and branding of a product and also integrate a GTIN number.
– Web based for easy access
– Extensively used by many industries
– Scaled for high volumes for Traceback & Traceup
– Stores ALL info throughout processes
– Quick Recall information
– Comprehensive query capability to process and analyze info Web Based
Traceback & Traceup Database
Site-Specific Recordkeeping®
Point-to-Point Traceback™

Cordless 2D Scanner

Laptop OR Desktop PC with scanner base (USB)
& Secure Internet
Access to
